I regularly help others to write letters of motivation and recommendation.
I also regularly assist in expressing opinions or reflections.
Lieve Korevaar, master student Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Antwerp Management School:
Liselotte has helped me a lot over the years with expressing my thoughts.
From reflections to motivational letters, she has helped me to ask the right critical questions and to write them down in a beautiful, convincing way.
and managed to put these on paper in a beautiful, convincing way.
From reflections to motivational letters, she has helped me to ask the right critical questions and to write them down in a beautiful, convincing way.
and managed to put these on paper in a beautiful, convincing way.
Lynn Lemmens, student Graphic Design & Art Direction, NABA Milan:
Liselotte helped me to write a few cover letters with which I received a scholarship and was accepted at the NABA. She also guides me in converting my thoughts into concrete concepts on paper. She asks critical questions and provides me with the necessary thinking in order to get to the heart of the matter.
Miesjel van Rooij, Master student Data Driven Business, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences:
Liselotte has helped me to come up with ideas for topics for my cover letter.
She also helped me with the content of this motivation letter.
She also helped me with the content of this motivation letter.
Marc Bos, master student, Tilburg University:
Liselotte knows exactly how to ask the right questions in order to get to the bottom of why you,
as a person/individual, would like to work for something.